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Book now

Flexible and easy booking

To book your vacation at Villa SAKastra simply send an inquiry below with your contact information and desired check-in and check-out dates or directly contact us via e-mail or phone +47 905 73 747. The button below will send you straight to send a booking email.

Thank you for your interest in Villa SAKastra and we hope you enjoy your stay!

Booking & price: Tekst


Flexible offers

From 9000kr/ €859

Villa SAKastra offers some of the most flexible pricing when it comes to high standard vacation houses. 
The pricing depends on season, dates, number of people and other factors. The general pricing is from 9000-15000kr (Norwegian kroner) per week, which is approximately €859-1432 euro. 
Contact us today for more pricing information and great offers! Our pricing is always flexible to fit our guests' needs. 

Booking & price: Prisliste
Skjermbilde 2021-08-07 kl. 14.00.50.png

Booking inquiry

Use the form below to make a booking right away with your desired dates. We are always happy to help!

Takk for innsendingen din!

Booking & price: Contact
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